CURIO is an independent space for research in social and human sciences, it is a non-profit association founded in the Paris region (France) in 1996. Its activities consist in supporting a type of cultural project with a high anthropological coefficient, based on a survey, and whose tools are freely available. Its general aim is to promote ways of producing knowledge, by supporting their formulation, through programs that extend (but do not exclude) the contributions of the human sciences, in particular anthropology, outside the academy: specific research, educational formats, artistic interventions, exhibitions, publications, theatrical productions and various workshops.
In a logic of decompartmentalization, its projects are situated at the interface between individuals, associations, collectives (artistic, activist, etc.) and public research institutions. Each of its programs or projects, called Ouvroir d’anthropologie potentielle, is based on an approach that brings to light other ways of doing, thinking and being human…
In this way, CURIO attempts to address societal issues, sometimes linked to current events, such as “contemporary migration”, the “crisis of political representation”, “colonization/decolonization”, “bureaucracy”, etc. … each theme involving a performance that creates its own situation…
CURIO collaborates with universities, museums, schools, cultural services and private and public institutions.
Anyone can become a CURIO participant. To find out about the conditions for participation, write to
CURIO implements programs that combine science and art, and more specifically the human sciences – anthropology – with spectacular and performative practices.
Beyond the academic circle, it is aimed at people who undertake research through an artistic approach, whether artists or researchers, privileging performance as a vehicle for research.
The nature of this research, whatever it may be, is “anthropology” in the broad sense, that is to say, it aims at a better knowledge of Man. Its means consist in the production of events: “seminaries”, workshops, “universities” or various artistic actions and prioritizing the show in all its forms.
It tries to take up societal issues, sometimes linked to current events, such as “contemporary migrations”, “crisis of political representation”, “colonization / decolonization”, “bureaucracy”, and so on. … each theme involving a performance that creates its situation … A such, Curio’s organization implies collaborations with universities, museums, schools, cultural services and private or public institutions.
In this way CURIO wishes to promote the emergence of new ways of exploring the world, new modes of production of knowledge and various formats of reproduction.
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